Sunday, 17 February 2013

Kao Essential Damage-Care Nuance Airy Shampoo

Hey everyone, Happy Chinese New Year! Xin Nian Kuai Le!  

안녕하세요 여러분!새해 복 많이 받으세요!!

I'm running out of my shampoo which I love so much, which is the Kao Essential Damage-Care Nuance Airy Shampoo. I think I've been using this for half a year which is longer than it should be cause I use different shampoo when I go to the gym.

我好喜歡的洗髮精快要用完了。Kao Essential Damage-Care Nuance Airy Shampoo。因為我去做運動的時候都會另外帶其他的小樽洗髮精這瓶我快用了半年啦。
뚜루...내가 사랑하는 샴푸가 다 떨어졌어요 ㅠㅠㅠ kao essential damage-care nuance airty shampoo!. 한 반년동안 사용한 제품인데,그 것보단 오래 썻을거에요 ㅋㅋㅋ 운동갈때마다는 다른 샴푸를 썻기때문에 ~

This smells really good. Not fruity but sweet. And it stays on your hair for the whole morning. (I normally take a shower in the morning.) If you're getting bored with the shampoo choices here in the UK, you could try this out. I'm sure all the girls will like it.


이 샴푸는 냄새가 너무 좋아요 , 뭐 랄까 너무 과일향은 아닌데 달콤하다고 할까 ? 게다가 향기가 아침내내 남아있어서 좋더라고요.확신하는데 여성분들이 이샴푸를 좋아하실거에용 !!!

Actually, I bought these from Hong Kong last year before I come to the UK. And used to be selling these, but it is currently out of stock. 

其實我是上年在香港買過來英國的。 以前有在賣這個,但現在缺貨啦。

사실 이 샴푸는 제가 홍콩에서 산 샴푸에요. 에서 구입했는데, 
현재는 매진상태라고 하네요 ㅠㅠㅠ
But no worries, it is now on eBay and it is cheaper! You could check the link below:

Kao've recently changed the package of it. Check the pictures below in case you are struggling of which is the new package.



Also, there hair mask are really nice. And they are still selling on
They are selling for £8.00. They smell the same as the shampoo, you could try this out as it is cheaper before you purchase the shampoo and conditioner. 

有,它們的髮膜十分好用。在 有賣£8.00一瓶。聞起來跟洗髮精的一樣,如果不想要花太多錢去試一下的話,可以買這個。

여기에는 헤어마스크도 있는데, 진짜 좋더라고요. 에서 구입하실수있고요 
한 개당 8 파운드씩 팔리고 있어요. 냄새는 뭐... 샴푸랑 똑같구요. 아마 샴푸구입전에 한번 구매해보셔도 좋을거 같아용
Click the link under the product will direct you to the page for purchase.
Nuance Airy

 For your information, they have the Rich Premier version. I bought it, but haven't use it yet. So, I can't really tell the difference. I will let you all know after I tried it. 

它們還有Rich Premier這款。我已經買了但還未用過所以不能告訴你分別。用過後我會再在這裡分享的啦。

정보를 더 드리자면, 거기에는 더 풍부한 프리미엄 버젼이있구요. 
뭐 한개 사봤는데 별 다른 점은 없더라고요. 한번 써보고 후기 써드릴게요 ^^
Rich Premier

Hope you will enjoy it. You could always leave your comment if you have any questions. 

재밌게 보셨길 바랄게요 ! 
질문있으시면 코멘트로 꼭 남겨주세요 ^^

Two is better than one, 
get along with us!

Blonde Asian xoxo

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